Category: Tutorials

CSS3 Animated Image Slideshows with Flux Slider

All PostsTutorialsWeb Design

There are so many JavaScript image slideshow plugins out on the Internet, it can be difficult pinpointing what you need. Developers who are not looking to start from scratch often search the web targeting the perfect solution. And although each technique has its drawbacks, the wide assortment of choices will offer plenty of rewards and something to fit your layout.

In this tutorial I want to focus on using a library called Flux Slider which was created by Joe Lambert. This image slideshow plugin is unique in that it defaults to using CSS3 transitions with JavaScript-controlled alternatives. All modern CSS3-compliant browsers will support the native features which can be set using jQuery or Zepto.js as the core library. Catch a glimpse of the demo we are building in my live example below.

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HTML5 Pre/Code Syntax Highlighting with JavaScript

HTML5 pre Code Syntax Highlighting with JavaScript
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Performing a quick search in Google will yield a number of helpful JavaScript libraries for styling source code. Blogs and websites focused on frontend and backend development will frequently need to publish articles which use direct source code in the page. Basic monospaced fonts are not always enough, and with dynamic syntax highlighting it is…

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10 Useful WordPress Widget Tutorials

10 Useful WordPress Widget Tutorials
All PostsTutorialsWordPress

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems in the world and its customizabilityis the key in making it a success. Custom themes, plugins and widgets are the features that make this CMS fantastic tool for businesses, individuals and any other kind of users. In today's roundup I would like to share with…

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