15 Simple & Relevant WordPress Tutorials for New Users

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There are many different platforms to start your new website. It can be built on Tumblr, Squarespace, Miscellaneous or by using other platforms. But still, leading and the modern platform is WordPress. It’s flexible, simple to use, SEO friendly and offers you comfortable construction. Also, WordPress is the biggest content management system (CMS) in the world.

A Beginners Guide to WordPress

As it mentions in the article name, this is a guide for absolute WordPress beginner that wants to start blogging. It teaches you how to install it, what mistakes try to avoid making and how to proceed your blog.

Beginners Guide Creating WordPress Website

Tutorial written by Daniel Pataki. It covers almost everything you need to know at the beginning. It is a great article to start your path into WordPress or recall something you forgot.

WordPress Lessons

These tutorials are from WordPress creators themselves. So why not to start learning WordPress blogging or site designing from the masters? There are great detailed tutorials for beginner to intermediate level.

WordPress Cheat Sheet

This WordPress cheat sheet is a great thing. And you must have it if you are a beginner or already experienced. If you forgot something, it would remind you and put you back on tracks.

WordPress Tutorial

This is an another great place to get started blogging. The website has a series of tutorials. Both text and video ones that contain detailed instructions from bottom to top.

How to Start a Blog

A guide by Mike Wallagher that will teach you to start a blog absolutely from scratch. It is truly informative and good tutorial for a starter blogger. Also, it gives you hints what to do after you created your blog.

The WordPress Community Offers Advice To Beginners

This is an old article by Siobhan McKeown, but it is really useful for newbies. It is a collection of advice that had been given by WordPress community. It will help you to get started and realise what it is.

Beginner’s Guide For WordPress

A website created especially for beginners. This website covers all the topics that you need to know at the start. And because of that, it is a great place to start learning  WordPress.

WordPress For Beginners

A quick step-by-step guide how to set up your new WordPress site. Also, this tutorial contains a list of 19 plugins that you can install into your site. That will help you to get started.

How To Make a Website

A beginner-friendly guide for making your first WordPress website. It is made by web developers that have a lot of experiences in creating websites. Because of that, this is a quality guide that is easy to understand.

A Beginners Guide To Using WordPress

This guide contains 21 WordPress video lesson. The length of all videos is 2.1 hours. So in only 2 hours you will get all the information that beginner needs to know.

The Ultimate WordPress Guide For Beginners

A tutorial created by a great blogger Harsh Agrawal. It is a straightforward guide for newbies. Also, you can check his eBook on how to become a WordPress professional for beginners.

Making a Business Website With WordPress

It is a video lesson on Youtube that is an hour and a half long. It covers the topic on how to create a business website on WordPress. Therefore, if you want to create a business website, this could help you going.

How To Make a Stunning WordPress Website

Another video Youtube lesson that takes up about two hours. The video will teach you to make a beautiful and professional looking website from scratch. If you prefer watching more than reading this is made for you.

How To Create A Beautiful and Free eCommerce Website with WordPress

The last but not least tutorial. If you were thinking about making an online store than This is for you. The video teaches how to create an eCommerce website. (online store)

Posted by Jason Bayless