Coffee Chat: An Interview With UX Designer Tautvydas Gylys
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1) Tell us about yourself?
I like doing things. As a specialist, I like creating products and services that people enjoy using. I like helping other succeed leveraging the power of design. Besides I’m constantly tweaking and experimenting with myself to be a better human being.
2) When did you start your design career and where?
The first time I used photoshop for designing UI was in Vilnius TV tower. Together with Trustribe, we participated in Startup weekend hackathon. The product we design was the first shot for me to design a real product from scratch. That is where I discovered a passion for design.
3) Who inspires you to be a designer?
There aren’t one person, in particular, rather many along the way. I was always drawn to artistic activities: I attended art school, had photography as my hobby. At the same time, I liked math and studied economics. So it happened that these areas emerged for me in the field of product design.
4) How does your work day look like?
Waking up at 6. A short meditation to find the peacefulness and curiosity for the day. Then jumping on my personal tasks like writing this article. At around 9 I go to Vinted office, here I currently work as a product manager. Usually, I am there to around 6 pm. If I have more personal stuff to do, finish them once I’m back home. Sometimes I enjoy making breaks during the day if I feel overheated, I do listen to audiobooks and podcasts while driving, cooking or jogging.
5) What are you currently working on?
Basically, I have 2 focus points: working in Vinted where I am responsible for content experience in the product team and running UX academy on the side.
6) How do you manage your time?
I like planning and having clear goals I want to achieve during a week. Then every day I plan tasks for that day. There is usually 5-7 tasks per day so that there is space left for spontaneous activities.
7) Where are you currently based and what’s next?
I’m based in Vilnius, Lithuania. This year I crystallised the vision I want to contribute, which is “Humanity works (!) in a human-centric way”. So that is where I heading.
8) Working in the office for a company or you’re freelancer?
Working for Vinted at the moment.
9) What are the tools you can’t live without?
Piece of paper, Keynote, Google docs, Google calendar, Evernote
10) What is your latest project?
UX academy, 6 weeks lean UX course.
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