iOS7 Tab Bar Designs for iPhone App UI Inspiration

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To help app designers with their own tab bars I’ve collected a panoply of examples ranging the full gamut of interfaces.Since the iPhone’s original inception there have been plenty of apps using tab bars with some very unique icon designs. The release of iOS 7 ushered into a new era where all graphics have been changed over to flat colors with thin line icons. It seems to be Apple’s newest UI style pending the release of OS X Yosemite following by iOS 8.

To help app designers with their own tab bars I’ve collected a panoply of examples ranging the full gamut of interfaces. There’s icons and tab designs in here for every type of iOS application. Whether you’re just getting started or need some fresh ideas for your next iOS app – this post will surely have a little something for everybody.

Doodley Redesign

doodley redesign iphone app tabs

iPhone Calendar

dark iphone calendar app flat

Feed UI

iphone 5c blue dark feed ui inspiration

Dark Dashboard

dark dashboard screen ui interface


lappsy pictures photos dark iphone ui tabbar

OpenSignal Speedtest

speedtest mobile iphone app ios7 design

KFC iPhone App

kentucky fried chicken orders iphone app ui

Yelp iOS 8

yelp app ui tabbar ios8 flat

Dating App

dark dating app tabs icons iphone

DYTV Profile

dytv profile app screen iphone

Garden App

gardeing iphone app homescreen tabs ios7

Recommended Channels

ios7 flat ui tabs interface mobile app channels

Soundcloud Redesign

soundcloud iphone ios app redesign ui tabs


drug sign iphone safety app tabs


ios app tabbar shoparoo iphone ui


blue white stancity ios tabbar ui interface iphone

Peel App

peel iphone app smart remote ui tabs

BNP Paribas

blue white icons tabs bnp paribas app

Finance Manager

finance manager iphone app ui design interface tabbar

Event App

ios7 event app clean thin icons tabbar

Travel Feed

travel feed ios7 flat interface ui design icons

Exploring Tab Bar Icons

exploring tab bar icons flat thin ios7

Krop for iOS

krop ios redesign iphone app ui

Red Tabbar

ios7 icons red app tabbar interface


dribbble iphone app posterized ui tabbar


clean simple iphone app invoices uitabbar icons flat


coinpointer ios7 iphone app red white tabbar

Dribbble Concept

instagram style dribbble app concept pink tab icons

Posted by Jason Bayless